Bodily Injury

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What is Bodily Injury?
Bodily injury is any injury to the body caused by another person. "Bodily injury" is used in insurance policies to determine when there is coverage. Insurance policies will state how much the insurance company will pay for bodily injury. If there is no bodily injury, the insurance company will not pay any compensation. For example, if you were in a car accident and "scared to death", but not physically injured, the insurance company will not pay you any compensation.

When you are injured in a car accident, you may be able to make a bodily injury claim for compensation for your injuries. You should be aware that your claim may include more than you think.

Bodily Injury Claims
A bodily injury claim is a claim for compensation for injury to the body, no matter how slight or serious. A small cut is a bodily injury just as a major broken leg is a bodily injury. If you have been injured in an accident, then you may have a claim for bodily injury. The amount of compensation is related to the severity of the injury and may include more than just medical treatment.

Out of Pocket
You may have bodily injury claim to be reimbursed for money that you have lost or had to pay out due to your injuries. If you've been unable to work because of your bodily injury, you may be entitled to recover the loss income. If you've had to spend money for ambulance, emergency room, doctors, hospital, medications, therapies, etc., you may be entitled to reimbursement for these medical services. In sum, you may be entitled to recover the real losses that you suffered and the actual costs that you incurred for services that resulted from your being injured.

Specific Injury
You may have a bodily injury claim for a specific injury when the injury itself is significant, for example, a broken arm or a broken leg. These injuries are serious enough to allow you to be compensated just for having suffered the injury.

Pain and Suffering
You may have a bodily injury claim for pain, suffering, and discomfort. Pain, suffering, and discomfort are legitimate injuries even though it can be difficult to put a dollar amount on them.

Future Damages
You may have a bodily injury claim for future losses and or expenses. Very severe injuries can cause problems for years to come. Future claims include the loss of future income, costs of future medical care and treatment, permanent disability and impairment, and disfigurement. Even though these are bodily injury claims for future losses, you may be entitled to be paid now. In fact, it's important that you realize that when you resolve your claims, they are all resolved at the same time. You can't resolve some claims now and other claims later.

Note that this information is for general information only. If you have any questions whatsoever, you should discuss them with a with a lawyer licensed in your state.

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